Prime Meridian Healthcare Clinics

My friend Jennifer Smith just posted this amazing exciting news!!!

“When you come home from a business trip crazy with excitement?!??! πŸŽ‰πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ’œβœˆοΈ

Yes – that’s me!!! πŸ™‹πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ

Seriously though – I have the most liberating news!!

You see, doTERRA successfully launched Prime Meridian healthcare clinics in a few U.S. cities and they have been so wildly successful, doTERRA will be building more clinics!! πŸ‘πŸΌ

What are these clinics you ask? They bridge the gap between Western and Eastern medicine and the focus is 80% self care and 20% pro active medical care with a major look at the whole body, mind, and spirit.

doTERRA plans to build thirty more clinics across the U.S. in the next five years and when you combine that with the fact that we are already riding our largest growth wave that doTERRA has ever seen?!?! I am so crazy excited….can you see why I can’t stop talking about this?!?! To see Western and Eastern medicine bridged, in the U.S., and during my lifetime is unreal!!! Sure I know we have complementary and integrative medicine but nothing on this level, at least to my knowledge!! So bring it on, doTERRA because I am ready to ride the wave!!!!!”

So, all my oil friends, If you have questions let me know. I am beyond excited to see this! If you have any doctors who you think might be interested, please let me know because that could mean we get out clinic faster!!! We are in Phase 3 right now.




