Tag: toxic free

Automobile DIY

Here’s a fun DIY class idea! a car theme. This is for the men as well as the women. There are everyday uses for essential oils that you may not have already thought of. Here are some ideas for some pretty inexpensive DIYs that you 

Just like a funnel

🤷🏻‍♀️😁💩💩💩(Hey! I’m not the author, but this is great info!) “Our body has an order in which it likes to move waste out of the body – just like a funnel.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀If one of the pathways is blocked, every pathway above it won’t be able to 

How’s YOUR immune system?

How is your Immune System?

I have been thinking a whole lot about everything going on and I’m sure lots of good will come out of all this as well as the bad. I know I have always consider myself pretty healthy, I don’t smoke, I rarely drink anything but water, I try to exercise, eat as good as I can with what choices we have. And 4 years ago I was introduced to dōTERRA, and I haven’t looked back! Besides being an amazing company that gives back in so many ways, their products are absolutely amazing! Their vitamins & supplements as well as their essential oils have helped to support my immune system so much that I can be around all my grandkids and not worry about getting any of the “stuff” they might have going on. It’s been 4 years & I haven’t had ANY down days. So my question is, WHEN are YOU going to start taking your own health into your hands & your families health & support everyone’s immune system so you don’t have to be so worried when these thing happen in the world? It’s never too late! I can help you decide what might work. It’s absolutely FREE to talk to me about this. I just want EVERYONE to know that you do have options and they are toxic free options. Why wait? Doesn’t hurt to at least hear about them.

No More Grocery Store!

No More Grocery Store!

No More Grocery Store!  I like to get what I need for my family at the best AND most convenient places that give me the best quality and price. I shop for groceries at my grocery store, but for my family’s natural health and wellness